Metal Processing Company for Automotive and more - IMA Arosio

Metalworking for industry:
from design to product

I.M.A. is your specialist partner in the processing of metal materials for industry

We are at the side of the customer through the entire process of project planning and product optimisation with a creative, proactive approach and attention to detail. We work with the aim of achieving machining processes that are reliable and efficient to meet the expected quality standards and satisfy all requirements. 

Know-how and technology, solidity and innovation, attention to human resources, materials and the working environment, special care throughout the entire production cycle: these are the pillars from which the quality of all our workmanship stems, these are the characteristics we aim to transfer to each finished product.


Discover our techniques for processing metal materials for the automotive industry.

We work with world-leading companies in the field of automotive systems.
We manufacture essential components in our customers’ systems for O.E.M. (Original Equipment Manufacturer) manufacturers in the automotive industry.

Involucro esterno per sistema di raffreddamento ad acqua per iniettore AdBlue

External water jacket

Water cooling system outer casing for AdBlue injector

Size: cm

Material: Stainless steel

Carcassa motore per pompe carburante

Pump motor shell

Motor casing for fuel pumps

Size: cm

Material: Pre-nickel-plated steel

Riscontro serratura di aggancio per schienale ribaltabile sedile posteriore

Seat striker

Rear seat folding backrest latch striker

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Serratura di aggancio sedile posteriore ribaltabile

Seat latch

Latch for rear folding seat on B - MPV segment cars

Size: cm

Material: Steel

cartella di supporto per serratura portiera auto

Door latch internal plate

Support plate for car side door lock

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Riscontro per serratura di aggancio porta laterale autovettura

Door latch striker

Striker for car side door latch lock

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Riscontro per serratura di aggancio baule autovettura cabrio

Boot striker

Striker for convertible car boot latch

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Cerniera laterale per cuscino ribaltabile sedile posteriore autovettura

Rear seat hinge

Side hinge for car rear seat folding cushion

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Elemento per azionamento cambio di velocità autovettura

Gear box lever

Gearbox operation element for passenger cars

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Elemento di guida antisbaglio per movimento leva cambio manuale autovettura

Driving plate

Poka-yoke guiding element for manual transmission lever movement on passenger cars

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Schermo magnetico a tre elementi concentrici per bobina accensione motore autovettura

Ignition magnetic shield

Magnetic screen with three concentric elements for ignition coil - car engine

Size: cm

Material: Magnetic steel

Corpo microvalvola unidirezionale per carburante in pressione - motore autovettura

Ocv cage

One-way micro-valve body for pressurised fuel - car engine

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Elemento di accoppiamento corpo turbina con corpo compressore per turbocompressore - motore autovettura


Turbine body to compressor body coupling element for turbocharger - car engine

Size: cm

Material: Stainless steel

Elemento interno per sistema di raffreddamento ad acqua per iniettore AdBlue

Internal water jacket

Water cooling system internal element for AdBlue injector

Size: cm

Material: Stainless steel

Flaps, diametri vari, per condotto by-pass - motore autovettura


Flaps, various diameters, for by-pass duct - car engine

Size: cm

Material: Stainless steel

Elemento di compensazione per iniettore carburante - motore vettura

Head adapter

Compensation element for fuel injector - car engine

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Flange per pompa ad alta pressione per carburante, spessori da 4 a 8 mm - motore vettura

Pump flange

Flanges for high-pressure fuel pump car engine, thicknesses from 4 to 8 mm

Size: cm

Material: Stainless steel

Ruote foniche di varia forma per sistema frenante (ABS)

ABS impuls ring

Tone ring of various shapes for braking systems (ABS)

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Elemento di compensazione assiale per iniettore carburante - motore autovettura

Iniector clip

Axial compensation element for fuel injector - passenger car engine

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Coppetta di compensazione pressione per sistema alimentazione carburante - motore autovettura

Damper cup

Pressure compensation cup for fuel system - car engine

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Ruota fonica imbutita e fessure radiali per sistema frenante (ABS)

ABS impuls ring

Deep-drawn tone ring and radial slots for brake system (ABS)

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Coppetta di compensazione pressione per sistema alimentazione carburante

Dumper cup assembly

Pressure compensation cup for fuel system, with connector laser welded tube - car engine

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Particolare imbutito con ampia finestra laterale


Deep-drawn item with large side window

Size: mm

Material: Steel

Elemento interno per sistema di raffreddamento ad aria per iniettore AdBlue

Flow guide

Air cooling system internal element for AdBlue injector

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Elemento di fissaggio per sistema di raffreddamento ad acqua per iniettore AdBlue

Mounting flange

Water cooling system fixing element for AdBlue injector

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Schermo protezione per sistema di raffreddamento ad aria per iniettore AdBlue

Front shield

Air cooling system protective screen for AdBlue injector

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Involucro contenitore per iniettore AdBlue

Injector housing

Housing for AdBlue injector

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Schermo protezione per sistema di raffreddamento ad aria per iniettore AdBlue

Back shield

Air cooling system protective screen for AdBlue injector

Size: mm

Material: Stainless steel

Schermi magnetici per bobine di accensione

Magnetic shield

Magnetic screens for ignition coils

Size: cm

Material: Magnetic steel

Coperchio di ritegno

Retainer cup

Retaining cover

Size: mm

Material: Magnetic steel

Connettore ingresso Urea per sistema iniezione Ad Blue

Urea inlet connector

Urea inlet connector for AdBlue injection system

Size: cm

Material: Magnetic steel

Elemento di regolazione inclinazione schienale anteriore vettura elettrica

Backrest linkage

Electric front seat-back tilt adjustment element

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Girante per pompa acqua per raffreddamento motore auto

Water pump impeller

Impeller for water pump for car engine cooling

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Riscontro aggancio serratura per porta laterale vettura

Door latch striker

Latch striker for vehicle side door

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Riscontro aggancio serratura per porta baule vettura

Boot striker

Latch striker for car boot door

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Flangia per alberino di azionamento girante per pompa acqua - motore auto

Water pump flange

Impeller drive shaft flange for water pump - car engine

Size: mm

Material: Steel

Dispositivo per variazione inclinazione cuscino posteriore vettura

Seat height adjuster

Device for adjusting the rear cushion inclination

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Elemento di protezione e supporto per impianto alimentazione gas - motore ibrido

Welded bracket

Protection and support element for gas supply system - hybrid engine

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Elemento di protezione e supporto tubazioni per impianto alimentazione gas - motore ibrido

Support bracket

Protection element and pipe support for gas supply system - hybrid engine

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Elemento di protezione e supporto per impianto alimentazione gas - motore ibrido

Bended bracket

Protection and support element for gas supply system - hybrid engine

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Struttura portante per sedile posteriore ribaltabile e asportabile

Removable seat structure

Bearing structure for folding and removable rear seat

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Barra di azionamento guide sedile auto

Towel bar

Car seat rail handler bar

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Piastra fissa saldata con meccanismo di regolazione inclinazione sedile anteriore

Recliner - Gousset

Fixed welded plate with front seat tilt adjustment mechanism

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Cerniera a parallelogramma articolato per porta posteriore vettura sportiva

Sport car boot hinge

Articulated parallelogram hinge for sports car rear door

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Cerniera centrale per schienale posteriore sdoppiato

Rear backrest hinge

Central hinge for split rear backrest

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Non Automotive

Over the years, our business has expanded into several non-automotive market areas.

We supply the furniture and furnishings industry, the industrialised building sector, the sports sector, photography, electromechanics and other technical industries.
As a result of our constant commitment, experience and research, our products are competitive and synonymous with quality everywhere.

Carcassa per motore elettrico per treno modellismo

Electric motor case

Electric motor housing for model trains

Size: mm

Material: Steel

Rondelle coniche speciali per elementi di fissaggio a parete

Conic washer

Special conical washers for wall mounting elements

Size: mm

Material: Steel

Rondelle piane speciali per elementi di fissaggio a parete

Flat washer

Special flat washers for wall mounting elements

Size: mm

Material: Steel

Fondello per caricatore rullino fotografico chimico

Film roll housing cap

Locking cover (back) for chemical film magazine

Size: mm

Material: Pre-painted steel

Manovella di azionamento sezionatore quadro elettrico in media tensione

Welded mechanism

Medium voltage switch disconnector operating handle

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Elemento struttura sedile auto per bambini

Welded structure

Child car seat structure element

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Basamento e struttura per tavolino salotto richiudibile

Welded table structure

Base and frame for folding coffee table

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Struttura articolata per tavolo allungabile e regolabile in altezza

Welded table structure

Articulated frame for extendable and height-adjustable table

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Struttura per tavolo estensibille

Welded table structure

Structure for extendable table

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Elementi strutturali per scale componibili interno abitazione

Welded step support

Structural elements for indoor modular staircases

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Elemento strutturale per scale componibili interno abitazione

Welded step support

Structural elements for indoor modular staircases

Size: cm

Material: Steel

Assieme dimostrativo per elementi strutturali per scale componibili interno abitazione

Step support set

Demonstrative assembly for structural elements for indoor modular staircases

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Basamento e struttura per tavolino salotto articolato

Rotating table structure

Base and frame for articulated coffee table

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Elemento Imbutito d 5 - d 11 x 9

Top hat

Deep-drawn element d 5 - d 11 x 9

Size: mm

Material: Steel

Struttura per gamba di supporto tavolo scrivania

Desk legs

Structure for desk support leg

Size: Meter

Material: Steel

Cappellotto imbutito d 4,5 - d 9,5 x 10,5

Top hat

Deep-drawn cap d 4.5 - d 9.5 x 10.5

Size: mm

Material: Steel

A growing market

We look to the future and we want to explore new fields of application.

Our capacity for developing and perfecting production processes in metalworking for components can be expressed in several fields, from household appliances, childcare items, electric motors and electronics, to crucial contemporary sectors such as medical or energy industries, to the new challenges of electric batteries and the hydrogen chain.

At the moment, we are open to new proposals. If you have an idea and are interested in talking to our experts, please contact us.


At the moment, we are open to new proposals. If you have an idea and are interested in talking to our experts, please contact us.